The World-Cultural-Shock
The World-Cultural-Heritage in 2025
Das Weltkulturerbe
Vaccination Centres (
Ursula Sabisch, Am Aehrenfeld 15, 23564 Luebeck, Germany
To the Minister of Health of the
Jens Spahn
CO /
Prof. Dr. Dr. Lauterbach
11055 Berlin
CO /
Royal Danish Ambassador
Copenhagen / Berlin
Germany, Luebeck, Friday, November 13th, 2020
Please let that German language document be translated in many languages and be handed over to the corresponding people.
Free English translation
Advance information from the Internet:
"What does the success mean for other corona vaccines?
The success of Biontech and Pfizer bodes well for the numerous other vaccine candidates that are in development. On the one hand, because other companies - such as the Tübingen-based company Curevac and the US company Moderna - just like Biontech and Pfizer also work with mRNA vaccines. On the other hand, because in the case of the Biontech vaccine, the so-called spike-protein of the coronavirus was selected as the target for the immune reaction.
The year 2020 has been shaped by the corona pandemic almost from the beginning - lockdowns, deaths and economic downturn are affecting people worldwide. But with the vaccine success of Pfizer and Biontech, hope is growing that the pandemic will end. But really right? It is possibly the best news since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic: The Mainz-based company Biontech and its US partner Pfizer announce a potentially groundbreaking success with their corona vaccine BNT162b2. Accordingly, this new type of mRNA vaccine offers more than 90 percent protection against Covid-19.
WHO chief Tedros Ghebreyesus described the news as "encouraging". The top US virologist Anthony Fauci spoke of "extraordinary" results and World Medical President Frank Ulrich Montgo mery of a "giant leap forward" - but warned that it was not yet a "breakthrough".
What you know - and what you don't know
Does Biontech vaccine checkmate Corona? What open questions are there?
An mRNA (messenger RNA), also known as messenger RNA, is a single-stranded ribonucleic acid (RNA) which, as a transcript of a section of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) belonging to a gene, contains the genetic information for the structure of a protein in a cell.
The vaccine candidate is a vector vaccine based on a modified smallpox virus (Modified Vaccinia Ankara Virus, MVA). The Paul Ehrlich Institute in Langen announced this today together with the applicants for the study in a press conference. The genetic information for the spike-protein of SARS-CoV-2, which is produced in the body of the vaccinated person and triggers an immune reaction, was integrated into the MVA vector. The vaccine candidate was developed by researchers from the Ludwig Maximilians University (LMU) and the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF). The pharmaceutical partner and manufacturer of the vaccine is IDT Biologika. "
Dear Sir or Madam! Dear Masteries!
As it was announced with great expectations, a new method of a vaccine may have put the CORONA virus into check, but my person does not really believe that it can be checkmated!! Quite the opposite, because if a person is already "playing" or experimenting with DNA, then the game of chess is easily reversed, as the carriers of a manipulated DNA can develop the antibodies against the CORONA virus, but most likely this unique gene-manipulated one Information material or genetic material of the DNA will be forcibly passed on to the next generations. How will the new process affect future generations? Will it make itself felt in any way and if so, in which form?
What if more viruses take over the chessboard and the vaccinated or inherited corona vaccine BNT162b2. which * allows antibodies to react in the body too, * perhaps exaggerated, allow the body to slowly convert into an unknown component through the next generation of the CORONA virus? Nobody can give an answer to these or even better questions at the moment, but even so my person can say for sure: You and others are usually weak people with a tendency to the now and here and immediately and especially characterized by a sense of achievement.
For this reason, as the current members of the government, you are usually not in a position to take responsibility for future generations, because up to now no reference has been made to the above essential questions that have to come first and, in this regard, neither the lockdown nor the death must not rank first! Unfortunately, such a letter has to go around the world, because only when one can recognize the main thing at all and thus clearly safeguard it and exclude any further unknown components, one can give such a vaccine to everyone.
If one does not have this specialist knowledge or the necessary experience or cannot have it, then the vaccine can usually only be used on those people who are already infertile without exception, which is usually recognizable in women due to age but what through unfortunately, the male sperm cells cannot be made dependent on age and the conception of a life is possible at any age of a man, whereby it must then be made dependent on the age or on the female fertility of the partner.
Because the genetic information for the spike-protein of SARS-CoV-2, which is produced in the body of the vaccinated person and triggers an immune reaction, is integrated into the MVA-vector by using the genetic information of the spike- protein by means of the messenger substance mRNA and strictly speaking by genetically manipulating DNA it actually developed the immune response.
For elderly or endangered people, the vaccine should perhaps be a success, in order to be able to avert some infections of this dangerous kind through the body, whose quite certain cannot or should not have any offsping, what by the way applies equally to all chemical or biological substances of these Type that affect the genetic material or DNA! Only on the basis of my knowledge of human nature must my person make these restrictions of the billions of distribution of the above vaccine absolutely clear!
Unfortunately, my person does not trust you and others to have enough competence in this and that matter and for this reason refers to a reasonable attitude and to the solutions to the pandemic and other diseases already mentioned on the Internet, which are to a large extent made by humanity, such as also through vaccines or medication, of which partly should only have been given to infertile people!
You and those like you have never learned to recognize limits and to adhere to limit values that make up a person, because a person understands what one can be responsible for oneself and others and where the point comes where being human ends for everyone involved! Please think carefully about which groups and exception groups may and should possibly receive the vaccine and which groups must be excluded from it!
Sincerely yours
Ursula Sabisch
Note: An abortion is also ruled out in the case of damage to the growing life through this or that gene-manipulated vaccination, because you would like to bear the responsibility of an abortion, but you or anyone else simply cannot bear or assume this responsibility!
As we learned yesterday from the Talk-show with Markus Lanz, RNA is basically known as an unstable molecule and is suitable as a messenger carrier for the vaccine, because it dissolves itself after a few hours, as the inventor of the new vaccine procedure Mr. I. Hoerr stated .. It has been claimed that the DNA or genes are not affected by this procedure.
Question: Why does one of the vaccines available to us have to be administered cooled at -70 ° Celsius? Is it because of the instability of the RNA and what is the difference between the available vaccines when the other vaccine from the USA only maintains its effect at around -4 ° Celsius?
Answer: If all contingencies and risks related to the immune system and DNA can be eliminated, then the vaccine should be distributed to all generations of the world's population.
Otherwise, a worldwide agreement must be achieved by making vaccination compulsory for the generations that are no longer fertile or sterile so that the "herd immunity" can be ensured.
Nov 27, 2020